Archive for the ‘Ter’ell Shahid’ Category

At Ter’ell Shahid Concert –Austin City Hall Plaza

July 19, 2006
On Fridays at noon, the Austin City Hall Plaza holds free concerts. The Austin City Hall is new. The plaza faces Town Lake and Cezar Chavez Street.I attended the Ter’ell Shahid Concert on July 14. Mr. Shahid classifies himself as neosoul. He has an excellent sound.African Americans reportedly make up about 10% of the population of Travis County, which includes Austin.Last year, the City of Austin released an African American Quality of Life Scorecard.Ter'ell Shahid BandI like the knit hat and necklace that Mr. Shahid is wearing. The woman vocalist has a great haircut, and I love the paisley print blouse. Denim in skirts and pants are really in style in Austin.


These three ladies enjoying the Shahid concert have great style.The woman on the right has wonderful braided hair. I wish that I could have gotten a closeup photo of the back of her head. Like the female vocalist, she too is wearing a denim skirt and V-neck blouse.


Also at the concert was this woman on her scooter. I like her well coifed auburn hair and her color–the pale green shell with pale peach shorts.